Student Policies Approved by City Colleges Board of Trustees

Dear City Colleges Students:

At April’s Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the following academic policy changes in light of the COVID-19 situation.

We are committed to supporting you as you finish the semester. We believe these new policies will help you complete in a timely fashion, but also provide you with a relief valve if the circumstances prove overwhelming.

New COVID-19 Academic Policies
• If a credit student believes they may not get a final grade of C or higher in their class, they can opt into a NC (no credit) option prior to the end of the semester. Then, if their final grade is a D or F, that grade will convert to an NC; if the final grade is a C, B, or A, the letter grade will stand.
• Any credit student who completes the semester and is not satisfied with their grade has one year for a no-cost re-take.
• If a credit student needs to take one or more classes off their plate now, they can withdraw from class(es) and will have one year for a no-cost retake. It is recommended that students talk to an advisor before initiating any withdrawal from a course.
• Credit students in courses that may not complete because of lab or hands-on learning components may take a COVID-Incomplete that would allow them to pick up where they left off, once they can access our buildings, for that lab or hands-on experience.
• You can read the Academic Policy Board Resolution here

Students should check back at, Brightspace, and their portals for more information as it becomes available.

These policies are another step in our effort to support you through this challenging time.

Thank you,

Chancellor Juan Salgado

Provost Mark Potter